Tuesday 23 February 2016

100 Word Challenge Wk #8 prompt

It was a very sunny day and bob was in the pool swimming .
bob's dad said to bob that he needs to put some sunblock on or it is very likely to get sunburnt.
In 3 hours bob has to be ready for dancing bob thinks that he is a good dancer but he is not.
when 3 hours had been bob went to his room to put on his green outfit on.
It's time to go said bob's dad so bob and his dad hoped in the car and went to dancing .
on the way to dancing bob's dad stopped and took bob to dancing . after dancing bob's dad took bob for take aways and then went home.

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Hi my name is Cory I am 10 years old.
I love sports, my favourite is rugby.