Sunday 3 September 2017


School uniforms should be compulsory.

I think that school uniforms should be compulsory because school is school ,not a fashion show and with uniforms there's a better chance everyone will be treated the same because they all have the same uniform and there’s no competition..
Kids are getting bullied about what clothes they wear.

Lots of kids that go to school either have very expensive clothes and then there's people that don't have expensive clothes because their parents can't afford to buy them. Sometimes kids get bullied   about not having cool clothes like others but if schools make  uniforms compulsory that's not going to happen because everyone has the same clothes and everyone is equal.

Kids expensive clothing could get stolen.
Lots of kids arrive to school with very expensive  and special clothing and end up taking it off when they're playing in the playground, and end up leaving it lying there   when the bell goes then  it can get   stolen or goes missing. This doesn’t make parents very happy.

Kids won't have to worry about what they're wearing.
If schools make uniforms compulsory kids won't have to worry every night about what they are going to wear the next day to school.With uniforms parents pay out once and not several times  during the year for new clothes . Some kids  want to wear something different every day, When you buy a uniform most times it lasts for the whole year.

Inappropriate clothing

Uniforms stop the chance of people wearing inappropriate clothing to school like boys who have the crutch of their pants hanging right down,and girls that were  short shorts and crop tops.

You can identify kids in uniform
If a child gets kidnapped runs away or goes missing from school  and someone spots them and see theirs uniform they will know  what school there from.

There are many advantages of wearing school uniforms as i've just discussed with you with you guys, hope you guys enjoyed my speech.

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